News post
News post
District News - October 2024
October 11, 2024

Collin County WCID 3
Greetings Folks,
This is the first of our updates from the CCWCID3 resident board members, Ron Dawes & Gary Moore and General Manager, Greg Wilkerson. We plan to post these updates when we have information that may be useful or interesting to you. Gary and Ron have been serving on the District Board since June 2024.
Below are some completed, ongoing, and upcoming projects and activities. Since this is the first update, it will be longer than most. In no particular order, here goes:
- Website - Obviously, this website is new. It will replace the old one as the portal for District information and feedback. Take a look around and explore it at your convenience. We won’t list all the features, but one that you will certainly appreciate is the a Problem form. There, you can submit items that you have noticed may need attention. The system is intended for District infrastructure such as streets, curbs, common area sidewalks, drainage, road signage, street lights, and landscaping on District property. HOA amenities are not the District’s responsibility. However, if you are unsure if something belongs to the HOA or the District, go ahead and report it. We’ll sort it out. Please be as specific as possible and submit only one problem per form. You’ll receive a confirmation of your report, followed by updates as it is addressed and resolved. We plan to launch a public registry of all open and resolved tickets, but that will be a bit in the future.
- Management Firm - Just before Ron and Gary took office, the District hired Blue Line Management to manage the District infrastructure. This is a significant improvement over the previous method. Gary and Ron have worked extensively with the new General Manager (GM), Greg Wilkerson. Greg, Gary, and Ron do monthly surveys of the community to identify issues and monitor activity. Greg is in the community several times per week monitoring work and keeping an eye out for new issues. He is an excellent addition to our team.
- Sidewalk Repairs - You may have seen some common area sidewalks marked with orange paint, these are targeted for repair or replacement. Work has already started, and the goal is to have those repaired by the end of October.
- ACoE Issues - There is work underway to address several issues on the Army Corps of Engineers property adjoining Inspiration. This includes removing old silt fences, cleanup of trash, and repair of some water outfall areas.
- Security Patrol – Recently, we increased the number of hours that the security service patrols Inspiration by about 50%.
- Street Ponding - Some street locations that have frequent ponding, i.e. “birdbaths” have been identified and are scheduled for repair. Others are being evaluated by our engineers to determine the best approach to address the problem.
- Storm Drains - All of the reported Inspiration storm drains that were potentially experiencing slow drainage due to partial obstructions have been examined by camera probes and those that required cleanout have been addressed.
- Street Striping – A bid has been received and will be processed for adding new and renewing existing street striping. Areas include: in front of Bush Elementary, near the pedestrian crossing at the top of the hill on Huffines Blvd., and on Huffines Blvd. in Grace.
- School Signals – Our GM is looking into the feasibility and cost of installing school signals for Bush Elementary. We hope to have more info next month.
- Fire & EMS services - If you’ve been to recent HOA meetings, you know that the District and the HOA are working towards moving the Fire and EMS services contract with the city of Wylie from the HOA to the District. It’s consumed many hours of work by the HOA Board, Ron, Gary, and our GM, involving emails, calls, meetings, research, etc. This is an extended process as the District must be approved to provide fire and EMS services by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Wylie must approve the transfer of the contract, and then we must hold an election for Inspiration residents to approve it. Our first opportunity for this election would be May 2025. Both the HOA Board and the District Board believe it’s the right thing to do and will benefit Inspiration residents. There will be more updates on this project as it progresses.
- Property Tax Rate - The District property tax rate for next year has been reduced, as it was last year. The new rate is $0.9192 / $100 of taxable value.
- Amateur Audit - Ron spent a considerable amount of time combing through the last two years of invoices paid by the District and identified a number of items that resulted in over $21,000 in refunds and credits to the District. Sometimes, it does pay to be a nosey busy-body.
- Traffic Light - Our GM made a status inquiry to TXDOT about the promised traffic light at the main Inspiration entrance off Parker. We were told that a permanent traffic light IS in the plans and that a temporary light should be up “in a year or so”. Congratulations again to Lauren Clein and everyone that signed the petition.
Best regards,
Ron Dawes,
Gary Moore,
Greg, Wilkerson,